# Subscribing

# Technology

So this is a bit tricky. If every graphql request is plain HTTP request with query/variables data. Subscription needs a websocket connection and a special handshake. Also every request is a bit different. So thanks to apollographql/subscriptions-transport-ws and websockets/ws we can implement subscriptions from the box If you need regular queries via WS transport, please open an issue.

# Connection

So ws link is grabbed from graphqlUrl setting, but you can set it manually by wsUrl. A connection is lazy, so it will be establised only when you will first time subscribe

const { Hasura } = require('hasura-om')

const orm = new Hasura({
    graphqlUrl: 'hasura graphql endpoint',
    wsUrl: 'hasura ws endpoint',
    adminSecret: 'your hasura admin secret',
    wsConnectionSettings: {
        lazy: false //here you can set a connection just with Hasura object
await orm.generateTablesFromAPI()

# Subscribing

Subscription is a regular query (select or aggregate, only one at a time) but you will get a response every time some fields in your request will change

function usersOnline([err, data]) {
    //todo with data.count

let unsub = orm.subscribe({
    user: {
        aggregate: {
            where: { isOnline: { _eq: true } },
            count: {}
}, usersOnline)

unsub is a function to unsubscribe to updates. Just call unsub()

# Debuging connection

orm.$ws is an EventEmitter and will emit every event from a ws client

let tsStart = new Date().getTime()
let timediff = function () {
    return `+${ ((new Date().getTime() - tsStart)/1000).toFixed(2) }s`

orm.$ws.on('connected', () => {
    console.log(timediff(), 'orm.$ws.on.connected')
orm.$ws.on('connecting', () => {
    console.log(timediff(), 'orm.$ws.on.connecting')
orm.$ws.on('reconnected', () => {
    console.log(timediff(), 'orm.$ws.on.reconnected')
orm.$ws.on('reconnecting', () => {
    console.log(timediff(), 'orm.$ws.on.reconnecting')
orm.$ws.on('disconnected', () => {
    console.log(timediff(), 'orm.$ws.on.disconnected')
orm.$ws.on('error', (data) => {
    console.log(timediff(), 'orm.$ws.on.error', data)
This framework is not affiliated with the Hasura team.

MIT Licensed | 2020-present by Spartak