# Making request

# Approach

I really love chaining, but the main idea was to send request declaration between srvices, so one of them could make a transaction. That's why we have ugly? way to write what we want.

# Query

So there is 2 types of queries you can send: select and aggregate. Select is default, so if you are only selecting, you can skip its declaration.

let [error, adults] = await orm.query({
    user: {
        where: { age: { _gt: 21 } }
adults = [{

Of course you can group queries and make aggregations at the same time

let [error, response] = await orm.query({
    user: {
        select: {
            where: { age: { _gt: 21 } }
        aggregate: {
            where: { age: { _gt: 21 } },
            count: {},
            avg: ['age']
    pets: {
        limit: 5,
        order_by: {age: 'desc'}
response = {
    user: {
        select: [{
        aggregate: {
            count: 30,
            avg: {age: 34.3333333}
    pets: [{

Getting only one row

let [error, response] = await orm.query({
    user: {
        where: { id: { _eq: 23 } }
}, { getFirst: true })
response = {


Notice how in the first example result was avialable at response level and in the bottom example response.user.select So if this is not convinient behavior for you, please set a setting flatOne = false at Hasura or query level Read more in API

# Query with nested field argumets

This is stupid example, but I hope you'll get how it works

    name: 'with_profile_pic',
    fields: [
                limit: 'user_pic_limit'

let [error, response] = await orm.query({
    user: {
        where: { age: { _gt: 21 } },
        fragment: 'with_profile_pic',
        variables: {
            'user_pic_limit': 1
This framework is not affiliated with the Hasura team.

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