# Introduction

# What is return by hasura-om

This can change in the futere, but all basic blocks are returned for any needs

const { Hasura, Table, Fragment, Field } = require('hasura-om')

# Basic initialization

You can initialize automatically - orm will get data from Hasura to crate all tables/views and create base Fragments

const { Hasura } = require('hasura-om')
const orm = new Hasura({
    graphqlUrl: '',
    adminSecret: ''
await orm.generateTablesFromAPI()

Or you can do everything manually

const { Hasura, Table, Fragment, Field } = require('hasura-om')
const orm = new Hasura({
    graphqlUrl: '',
    adminSecret: ''

    Here we are creating table user with fields id and name and id field is primary key
orm.createTable({  name: 'user' })
    .createField({name: 'id', 'isPrimary': true})
    .createField({name: 'name'})
This framework is not affiliated with the Hasura team.

MIT Licensed | 2020-present by Spartak